Creating a Spectacles Dispense
From Optisoft
Creating a Dispense
In order to create a dispense you need to work your way through the tabs at the top of the Spectacles Dispensing screen.
Dispense Rx Tab
First of all, you need to configure the following fields:
- Date - This is the date you created your dispense. By default, this field will be set to Today's date.
- Rx - For all dispenses that contains Lenses you will be required to specify a dispensing Rx. Given Rx's can be picked up from the Patient Record and used as a Dispensing Rx by selecting them from this drop down. If there are no lenses on this dispense, select the 'Frame Only Dispense' option.
- DO - Here you can specify the Dispensing Optician.
- Tray - Should you use a Tray system to track you're orders, you can add the tray number in this field.
- Due Date - Here you can select the expected Due Date of the dispense.
After you have selected the above fields you will then need to select the Vision Type. This will dictate the available fields for the rest of the dispense.
After you have selected the Vision Type you will be able to see the Dispense Rx. It is important to remember the following:
- The values on the dispense Rx can be changed if required.
- The dispense Rx exists only on this dispense and is not saved back to the Patient Record.
- Different Vision Types can be selected in different eyes, by first of all selecting the 'Separate Eyes' button in the toolbar.