Submitting eGOS Forms

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Submitting a Form

When you have created and completed you eGOS forms you will then need to submit them to PCSE. In order to submit a single form, do the following:

  • Go to the EGOS Module.
  • Right click on the form you wish to submit.
  • Select 'Sent' from the Status menu.
  • Alternatively, you can click Next Status in the toolbar.

To submit multiple forms, do the following:

  • Go to the EGOS Module.
  • Tick all the forms you wish to submit.
  • Please note, all the forms must be of the same Status, else the software will not allow you to submit them.
  • Alternatively, you can click Next Status in the toolbar.

Once you have submitted your forms, the Status of each will either update to PCSE-Accepted, for a successful claim, or PSCE-Rejected, for an unsuccessful claim.

When a claim has been Accepted you can then update the Status to Paid, once you have received payment for the claim. You can do this is the same manner as above.

The next section explains how to deal with Rejected claims.

Rejected Claims

Should a claim get rejected, Optisoft will tell you specifically what is wrong with your claim.

At this point you can edit the existing form by double clicking on it, and correcting the information that is causing the claim to be rejected.

You can edit the forms as many times is necessary before attempting to resubmit the form, as explained below.

Resubmitting a Form

After the initial submission, and once the EGOS form has been corrected, you can resubmit the claim to see if it will be accepted by PCSE.

In order to do this, do the following:

  • Right click on the relevant form.
  • Click Resubmit from the right click menu.
  • As before the claim's Status will either updated to PCSE-Accepted, for a successful claim, or PSCE-Rejected, for an unsuccessful claim.
  • If the claim is rejected again, you can attempt to correct the form and repeat the resubmitting process as many times as necessary.

