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Activity PaneAdding Analysis CodesAdding Lifestyle Codes
Adding NotesAdding a Patient RecordAdjusting a Transaction
Allocating StockAppointmentsAppointments Reports
Assigning a RecallAuto SaveBatch Printing GOS Forms
Batch Signing EGOS FormsBooking an AppointmentBooking an Event
CashCash ReportsClinical Record Drawings
Clinical RecordsClinical Records ReportsContact Lenses
Correction WizardsCreate a Custom QueryCreate a Custom Search
Create a Receipt TemplateCreating a Clinical Record VisitCreating a Contact Lens Dispense
Creating a Letter/Label TemplateCreating a PrescriptionCreating a Receipt Template
Creating a SMS TemplateCreating a Spectacles DispenseCreating a ToDo
Creating a ToDo TemplateCreating a TransactionCreating an Email
Creating an Email TemplateCreating an SMSCreating eGOS Forms
Data GeneratorEGOSEmail / SMS
Email SMSEnding a Clinical Record VisitFind Next Appointment
How to do a RefundIDispense
Main Page Optisoft.NETMaintaining the Appointments ModuleMaintaining the Cash Module
Maintaining the Contact Lenses ModuleMaintaining the Email SMS ModuleMaintaining the Patient Module
Maintaining the Recall ModuleMaintaining the Spectacles ModuleMaintaining the Stock Module
Managing a Contact Lens DispenseManaging a Spectacles DispenseManaging an Appointment
Module ReportsMoving an AppointmentOptisoft.NET
Optisoft.NET HelpOptisoft.NET Release NotesOptisoft.Net Help
Ordering Template MethodsPatient ReportsPatients
Prescription TabPrinting GOS FormsPrinting from Recall History
Processing Patient RecallsRecallRecall Reports
ReportsSaving DocumentsSecurity
Selling Petty CashSetting Up The Clinical RecordsSetting up the Activity Pane
Setting up the eGOS ModuleSpectaclesSpectacles Reports
StockStock ReportsStock Takes
Submitting eGOS FormsSystemTemplate Designer
Template MaintenanceTemplatesUsing Recall Enclosures
Using the Appointments TabUsing the Current TabUsing the Messenger Tab
Using the ToDo TabVoiding a Transaction